Claire brushed her fingers through Jake’s soft black hair. His head lay nestled on her shoulder. He’d flung an arm across her waist; the weight of it warmed her, like the world’s sexiest security blanket. She relaxed until her bones were the consistency of melted butter. All was right with the world.
Content and satisfied, she willed herself not to think. She reined in any imaginings of before or after, of what could or couldn’t be. There was only right now.
“I don’t want to move ever again.” His breath tickled her neck.
Claire empathized completely. “Eventually, you’ll have to.”
He rose up onto his forearms. “Why? Am I squashing you? I don’t want to hurt you.”
True, her stomach and ribs still ached a bit from the Voice of Doom’s kick by the train tracks and her wrist remained stiff, but that wasn’t the hurt she worried about. She didn’t see any way Jake could avoid making her heart ache. It stung already. She sucked at the whole not-thinking thing.
“What is it?” Concern shone in his eyes.
Talking about him leaving would only make it seem more real. She wasn’t ready to push open the curtains of reality. “I need to go freshen up.”
“Hurry back.” He nipped her earlobe. Kissed it better.
In the doorway she paused and looked back. Jake lay on his back. An arm rested across his forehead. He was so tall, he barely fit on the couch. Tears sprung to her eyes. She blinked them back. Tomorrow would be soon enough for that.
She scooped up her bra from the hallway and grabbed her dress off the kitchen floor. Slipping it on, she trudged to the dining room bathroom, her heavy heart making every step an effort.
The toilet wouldn’t stop running as she washed her hands. She walked into the stall and jiggled the handle. The water continued to rush inside the porcelain tank.
Great. Like I don’t have enough falling apart in my life right now.
Claire lifted the heavy tank lid to adjust the flush valve.
She gasped. Her heart stopped beating for a moment.
A plastic sandwich bag lay at the bottom of the tank. It had sunk so far down, it forced the valve to stay open. A phone and flash drive were visible inside the clear plastic Baggie.
Holy crap. I’ve found it.
Did you miss part of Dangerous Kiss? Catch up here. xoxo, Avery